Brittanie Brantley, PTA, BS
Brittanie is a NED Nominating Committee Member and PTA Representative to the Assembly of Representatives.
The first-ever PTA Director will be elected and Brittanie Brantley breaks it all down for the Northeast District!
With the California Physical Therapy Association’s (CPTA) 2022 Assembly of Representatives quickly approaching, so are Chapter Board elections. This is an exciting time that includes the gathering of passionate physical therapists (PTs), physical therapist assistants (PTAs) and physical therapy students with the goal of advancing the profession therapy with the goal of advancing the profession of physical therapy.
This year is especially exciting because there is a newly established director position, which for the first time in CPTA’s history, is designated for a PTA to be elected as part of the now ten-person board. A two-thirds majority vote was required and received at the 2021 Assembly of Representatives to support the addition of the Director-PTA.
“the Chapter Board is charged with developing the vision, mission and financial oversight of the organization”
The assured representation of a PTA on the CPTA board will provide an additional perspective and pertinent insight to enhance the importance of the PTA in the PT-PTA team in conjunction with deciding on the allocation of funds and the construction of vision and mission components. Over the years, the board members of the California Chapter have worked closely to communicate and collaborate with the PTA Caucus Representative who serves to represent California PTAs at the national level as part of the PTA Caucus. However, this position provides PTAs a seat at the table and a vote on initiatives that will directly impact California’s PTA members. There are currently 455 PTA members and twenty-two accredited PTA programs in California.
The CPTA Nominating Committee is hosting the candidate forum immediately following the Assembly of Representatives at the Hilton Hotel, Anaheim on Friday, September 23rd from 4:15pm-5:30pm in the California A/B ballroom on the 2nd floor. This event will allow you to hear from the two slated candidates, Mandy Johnston, PTA, MEd and Jimmy Pacini, PTA, MEd, as they answer questions from membership. You can also get to know the candidates by reading their candidate statement below.
Your two candidates for CPTA’s first-ever Director - PTA:
1. What is one important issue you see in practice, education or public outreach and how would you as a leader facilitate addressing it?
2. What do you see as your responsibility to foster new leadership?
The elected candidate will start their term January 1, 2023. The transition cycle provision will start the position as a two-year term and change to three years in 2025, consistent with the rest of the board positions. Elections will be held with hard copy ballots distributed by mail in early October.