Connecting Members and Non-Members to Vaccine Access

It has been a long time since Northeast District Leaders have had the bandwidth to update the website. Rest assured that we have continued to meet monthly and discuss opportunities to best support our members and the profession.

Yesterday, an opportunity too important to pass up arose. Two counties (Butte and Sacramento) have reached out to need for lists of individual practitioners and practices seeking access to COVID19 vaccination as part of Tier 1a.

While many Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants have accessed vaccination via large employers, independent and smaller practices have been left waiting and wondering about next steps. Well apparently, contacting professional organizations for contact information is part of at least some County rollout strategies.

If you would like your information included, please email us at with you practice name/contact info, number of patient facing staff, and the county in which your practice is based and I will have this information available if/when your county reaches out.

For counties that are in touch with us already, I will send our contact person updates as close to daily as possible as we build out our lists. (Your information will not be used by us for any other purpose without your express permission.)

Please reach out whether you are a member or prospective member and please forward widely within your Physical Therapy communities.

With appreciation and enthusiasm,

Ben, your NED Chair

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