October was a busy month for the Northeast District (NED). Your District participated in Physical Therapy Day of Service (PTDOS), sponsored the Tiger Dash, sponsored the Tri-State CPTA conference, had representation at the District Chair’s Luncheon, and carried your voice at the Assembly of Representatives. We have reached out to schools in our district and provided mentorship into the governing body of the CPTA via the CPTA Assembly of Representatives. Additionally our district sponsored two students, one from California State University, Sacramento (CSUS) and University of Pacific (UoP) at the Assembly this year.
For this year’s rendition of PTDOS, CSUS DPT class of 2020 participated in two community events. The first of the events was Ready, Set, Plant! which was held on Saturday, October 12th. The Ready, Set, Plant! event planted tree barriers between the baseball fields and the freeway at a neighborhood park. This community event provided a great time giving back to the community along with partnering with Pocket Little League! More on Ready, Set, Plant! can be found at this link: https://www.treefolks.org/rsp/
The second CSUS led Day of Service event was volunteer effort at the Be the Gift 5k that was held on Saturday, October 26th. Be the Gift 5K Run/Walk aims to raise funds for Sierra Donor Services Public Education Department to bring awareness to the state and national Donate Life registries. Please see this link for more information http://www.bethegift5k.com/beneficiary
Additionally, the broader NED community participated in PTDOS by participating in was the Tri-State PT Conference Day of Service challenge. This event saw the CPTA collaboratimg with Rippl to have a sneaker drive to combat poverty. The goal was to collect 25K pairs of shoes. The final numbers are not out yet, but your district collected 70 pairs of shoes from small baby shoes to adults. Here is the link to the CPTA page https://empower.betherippl.com/rippl-sneaker-bag30411326
Another outstanding October event was the 14th Annual Tiger Dash and ½ Mile Cub Run Powered by Central Valley Physical Therapy and Fleet Feet which was also a great success! Proceeds from the event will help the DPT Class of 2020 attend a professional conference. Almost 460 runners registered to participate in the event. In addition to the fun run, the University of Pacific hosted a health fair that involved various booths and activities that provided insightful information regarding health and physical activity. It was an amazing and memorable experience. Next year’s Tiger Dash and Cub Run are scheduled for October 10, 2020. Save the date!
Also worth mentioning, NED assisted with the Tri-State CPTA Annual Conference with sponsorships. One sponsorship was of the #TriStatePTConference Challenge via the mobile app for the conference. This was an interactive networking opportunity in which it challenges the player to connect with CPTA Board Members, attend Keynotes and finding some fun hidden codes. We are hoping to connect with the varied age ranges of our profession with this networking opportunity.
While at the Tri-State CPTA Annual Conference, there was a meeting of the District Chairpersons and the CPTA. It was an opportunity to have a face to face conversation about the districts as a whole, share successes and struggles, and ask questions to the CPTA staffers and Board. This is a welcome luncheon at which we mentor new leadership and assist everyone by updating information with respect to best practices in running a district.
The meeting of Assembly of Representatives occurred the day before the Tri-State Conference. We were able to discuss Strategic Goals and annual motions to come before the body. The Assembly received an update from the Chief Delegate with regards to the 2019 APTA House of Delegate meeting. Also during this time individuals running for positions for CPTA provided information and answers to questions submitted by the Assembly. Your District was well represented with two(!) candidates for CPTA Director: Leslie Torburn and Ben Braxley. Please help us in congratulating Dr. Torburn as one of the newly elected Directors of our organization!
What is Next?
The beginning of December the CPTA is hosting the Leadership Orientation on Saturday, December 7th. If you are curious, please post questions on the NED FaceBook page. If you are interested in becoming involved, please let us know. Your Executive Committee, along with the District Committee Chairs, are discussing, planning, and setting up the 2020 calendar and budget.