Your Northeast District is proud to announce that it is participating in the PT Day of Service 2018. As some of you may know, October 13th is the Global Day-of-Service. And this year NED is partnering with WEAVE, Inc. to assist with their 40th Anniversary Celebration.
WEAVE works to build a community that does not tolerate sexual assault, domestic violence,
or sex trafficking and provides survivors with the support they need to be safe and thrive. On
October 13, 2018, WEAVE will be celebrating 40 years of serving the Sacramento
Community by throwing a disco!
This is where the members of the Northeast District, PT Day of Service volunteers, and WEAVE come together. The Northeast District has committed to supporting a volunteer shift on Saturday,
October 13th from 1pm – 4pm. It will entail set up for WEAVE’s anniversary party.
Location for set up: 8269 Alpine Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95826
If you would like to participate or have any questions, email your District Chair Ruth