Your District at Work


The California Physical Therapy Association hosted a Strategic Planning Meeting on Saturday July 28th, 2018. Attended by members from all over the state, the Northeast District was well represented by four of our members. Participants reviewed and provided comments on the CPTA Vision, Mission, and Strategic Goals. We also discussed Physical Therapy's changing demographics, the demographics of our leadership, and the need to critically evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of CPTA's, and the District's, current structure. Based on a full day of rich discussion and collaboration, CPTA will be reinvigorating a Governance Review Task Force charged with making recommendations to the Board regarding the optimal future structure of our state association. Any proposed changes will come to our members before being instituted. Have input? We would love to hear it! Please post on our Facebook page or tag us on Twitter @CPTAdistrict

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Year in Review from our Chair

To keep to the theme of ‘The Ball is Rolling (however slowly)’, I would like to provide you with a brief year to date synopsis. Your Northeast District has been participating in several District, Chapter and National events. I am very proud of our District members.

We started the year off with the State of the Association. This is an excerpt from the NED Newsletter; “…[I]n January, our Northeast District Chair, Ruth LeBlanc, and member, Leslie Torburn, attended this full day event hosted by the CPTA at the University of St. Augustine in San Marcos (near San Diego.)  An inspiring panel of speakers presented an overview of the mission and future direction of the APTA and CPTA as we approach the 100th anniversary of the APTA.  Presenters included: Sharon Dunn, PT, PhD, APTA president; CPTA President, Chris Powers, PT, PhD; Chair of the CPTA Government Affairs Committee Chris Reed, PT, MPT; and Chair of the CPTA Payment Policy Committee, Rick Katz, PT, DPT.”

Also in January we supported the Student Legislative Advocacy Day. Then our District hosted an open invite Northeast District Happy Hour and PT Pub Night at Bike Dog Broadway Taproom for all those attending the Advocacy Day.

In March the NED started the month off with a Pre-Legislative Day Meeting with Combined District and Business Meetings. Chair of the CPTA Government Affairs Committee Chris Reed, PT, MPT was our guest speaker who provided insight on current Bills and legislation.

Then in April NED supported the Student National Advocacy Dinner financially and via the leadership provided by NED Membership Service Committee Chair Matthew Downey who guided the event for a second year running. April also was the month that APTA scheduled the Federal Advocacy in Washington D.C.; your NED Chair, Ruth LeBlanc attended the event. Look for an upcoming post with more details.

May cycled into action with the NED having and staffing a booth at the State Capital for the AMGEN cycling Tour of California. This generated many questions on what Physical Therapy is and what we can do. The NED also had its first webinar with the Payment Forum. We are still trying to complete the logistics for posting this on the website.

For the month of June the NED had three Delegates present at the APTA House of Delegates in Orlando, FL.

For the month of July the CPTA hosted a Strategic Planning Meeting attended by NED Membership Service Committee Chair Matthew Downey, NED Vice-Chair, Ben Braxley and NED Chair, Ruth LeBlanc, as well as by rockstar district member Leslie Torburn.

Still to come this year, our NED Executive Committee and Committee Chairs will meet via conference call, video conferencing, and/or in person monthly. We plan to keep the work of the District in order and to begin pushing more information via the website and social media moving forward.

Wow! Our Northeast District has had a busy and full year. And there is more to come. We will have our calendar posted for you to see. Participation, conversation and collaboration are most welcomed.

District Chair, Ruth LeBlanc

District Chair, Ruth LeBlanc

This ball is rolling (however slowly)

Greetings and welcome to the Northeast District of the California Physical Therapy Association!

This website is the culmination of much discussion and effort over an extended period of time. District leaders have long identified the need to have a central repository of information and a common location for broadcasting NED news and events. 

Thank you for taking the time to come and peruse our site! In an effort to be good stewards of the time of our volunteers, this site will be a living, evolving benefit for our members and the public. Which is also to say, please be patient as we develop our content. We will do our best to integrate registrations, social links, and updates as quickly as we are able.