Brought to you by Results Physical Therapy and Training Center
Presented by The Northeast District of CPTA
Saturday August 3rd, 2019
8am to 5pm
Attendees will gain an understanding and implementation of advanced strength and conditioning concepts for the athletic population including: applying strength principles in rehab, working with the aging athlete, using PRP for chronic tendinopathies, utilizing a sports medicine team, force velocity profiling and biomechanics of lifting. There will be 15 attendees per instructor ratio.
Featured Speakers:
Brett Bartholomew, MS.Ed, CSCS*D, RSCC*D
Ramsey Nijem, Sc.D. RSCC, Sacramento Kings
Alberto Panero, DO, Sacarmento Regenerative Orthopedics
Rafael Escamilla PhD, PT, CSCS, FACSM, Sacramento State
And including:
Kyle Yamashiro DPT, CSCS, President of Results
Daniel Maclean, MPT, SCS, CSCS, USAW, Vice-President of Results
Rob Linkul, CPT, CSCS, Owner Be Stronger Fitness
7:30-8:00 Registration/Check in - Breakfast
8:00-8:30 Integration of the Sports Medicine Team
8:30-9:10 Lower Extremity Lifting Biomechanics
9:10-9:40 PRP for Overuse Tendinopathies
9:40-10:10 Strategies for Training the Aging Adult Athlete
10:10-10:30 BREAK
10:30-11:30 Periodization for People - Brett Bartholomew
11:30-12:00 Applying Strength and Conditioning Principles in Rehab
12:00-12:30 Force Velocity Profiling: Understanding and Applying for Individualizing Programs
12:30-1:30 LUNCH Provided by Results
1:30-1:50 Panel Q & A with all Speakers
2:00-2:45 Group A - Rotation Power
Group B- Lifting Progressions
Group C - Plyometrics
2:45-3:30 Second Rotation
3:30-3:50 BREAK
3:50- 4:35 Third Rotation
4:35-5:00 Q & A, Final Thoughts, Course Evaluations